First and foremost, happiest of happy new years to you! Hope your festivities were as fun as ours were. We played our hometown of Kansas City, MO at recordBar on new year’s eve’s eve with our friends in fantastic bands Antennas Up, We Are Voices, and Lennon Bone (of Ha Ha Tonka), to a SOLD OUT audience. It was such a blast to party with so many new and old faces all in the same place at the same time. If you were there, you made the night incredible. Pat yourselves on the back. Whether or not you were there, check a view from the stage (poor quality image, but a night so dope we couldn’t leave you with nothin’):

New Videos, Recording Plans, Tour Plans

We’ve just revealed two brand spankin’ new videos (by Taylor Lamb), which can and should be found right now at We’re currently living together, working hard on preparation for recording new tracks and booking our next tours. These songs and tours will be our best yet, and as of now, we plan to be hitting the road from late spring through summer. Prepare yourselves!

Love Is In the Air

On a personal note, we’d like to congratulate our regional guitar player, John Mitchell, for proposing to his girlfriend, and we’d also like to ask her why in the world she said yes! (We’ve never seen a better match in our entire lives).

In Search of Keys/Utility Player/Backing Vocalist

Finally, we are in search of a new band member. Andrew had to take hold of a fantastic opportunity to teach children in China, so we need a new utility player/background vocalist. Must be willing to relocate to Kansas City, MO, and be available to tour. If you know any potential possibilities (or if you are interested) please direct them (or yourself) here immediately:

Once again, Happy 2011! Make it your BEST YEAR YET. We certainly plan to.